

11.07.2024 10:12


To raise well-educated students who are committed to ethical values ​​and competent in the field of sports management. The department's education, research and other services are carried out in a positive learning environment where theory and practice are given importance.

Having the power of healthy thinking, full of love and tolerance, recognizing and promoting national values ​​in the light of Ataturk's Principles and Revolutions, receiving contemporary education in parallel with the developing science, aiming to increase the quality of life of the individual and society with the models he created in the fields of research, education and service, participating in the country's sports, To train managers who serve world sports and efficient use of free time.

· To develop national and universal sports awareness,
· To make people understand the importance of sports for society and individuals,
· To provide the knowledge and perspective required by the field, to teach how to access information, how to use and develop it,
· To internalize sporting and humanitarian values ​​and to contribute to society in disseminating these values,
· To raise individuals who are capable of monitoring change and improving themselves according to the conditions of the age,
· To raise individuals who can recognize the needs of the environment and society in their field and produce effective solutions to these.


To train sports managers who can handle sports in terms of national development and progress and who will take our country forward in terms of social, cultural, economic and sports.

Providing education at international standards in the field of sports sciences and leisure activities; To be a unit that encourages multi-disciplinary studies, constantly renews and improves itself by conducting research and applications, and does not compromise on universal academic and ethical values.
To ensure that the individuals we educate have contemporary knowledge, skills and behaviors by developing their intelligence and abilities at the maximum level, and depending on these characteristics, to contribute to the happiness of society with individuals who know and use contemporary approaches specific to the field in the Ataturkist line.

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